- A Visual Guide to the Damselflies and Dragonflies of South Africa
- A large amount of well-constructed pages showing comparative photographs of key points where confusingly similar species are concerned, such as the Orthetrums. This was very helpful to me after visiting Namibia.
- ADDO – African Damselflies & Dragonflies Online
- African Dragonflies and Damselflies Online is a collaboration between ConsEnt (Stellenbosch) and ADU (Cape Town) funded by the JRS Biodiversity Foundation. ADDO brings all available knowledge together of Africa’s 770 known species of Odonata. Edited by and based on the work of leading expert K.-D.B. Dijkstra and his collaborators …This is a pretty stunning website.
Southern Africa
- Welcome
- Species
- Id Aids
- Anatomy / Terminology
- Dragonfly or Damselfly?
- Species Comparison Charts
- Blue-tailed Damselflies
- Bluets / Blue-striped Damselfies
- Large Red Damselfly: Gender and Maturity
- Redeyes / Red-eyed Damselflies
- Emerald Damselflies/Spreadwings
- Darters
- Hawkers
- Demoiselles
- Pruinose Dragonflies (Chasers & Skimmers)
- Black-tailed Skimmer: immature male vs female
- Broad-bodied Chaser: immature male vs female
- Four-spotted Chaser: male vs female
- Flangetails
- Orthetrums: sabina vs serapia
- Australian Red Jobs
- Myth Busters
- Visual Key
- Slideshows
- Maps
- Seasons
- Odo-natter
- Photography
- Books
- Links
- Contact
- Privacy