Leucorrhinia pectoralis (Yellow-spotted Whiteface)

Also called the Large White-faced Darter, this is a spectacular dragonfly that we had to make two trips to the Réserve Naturelle du Pinail [Pinail Trail] in France for, both of which suffered from poor weather, before we actually found this for the first time. Even then, we saw but one individual but at least we managed to get a shot of it.
More recently I found many more on my Irish Damselfly (Coenagrion lunulatum) trip to the Netherlands [go figure], which has all five European Whiteface species.
Id Notes
- white frons
- dark pterostigmas
- ♂ distinctive lemon-yellow spot atop S7
- ♂ body with reddish-brown and black colouration
- ♀ body with yellow and black colouration
male |
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