Diplacodes lefebvrii (Black Percher)

This could be confused with Selysiothemis nigra (Black Pennant); in fact, it was, by me.

This one was first found by us at the Parque Natural del Hondo near Alicante, Spain. It’s always a delight finding a new species though the situation here was a little frustrating – in vegetation with sun highlights below our boardwalk – resulting in difficult photographic conditions. We got a few recognizable shots but only of the male. Hondo supports both D. lefebvrii and S. nigra, males of which we saw on the same visit. Until I spotted the latters’ wings and distinctive pterostigmas, I thought I was photographing more Black Perchers.

We encountered a single example again at our final campsite in Botswana, 2022.

Id Notes

  • small
  • large pterostigmas, pale to brown
  • ♂ all black when mature (appendages turn last)
  • ♂ glossy black frons, otherwise matt black
  • yellow/brown triangular patch on hindwing root.
  • white anal appendages, until fully mature
  • ♀ black and creamy-yellow
  • ♀ light frons