Rhyothemis princeps (Zircon Flutterer)
The common name assigned to Rhyothemis princeps in version 1 of the Australian book (Theischinger/Hawking) is Sapphire Flutterer. However, iNaturalist assigns the common name Zircon Flutterer. I suspect the reasoning is that Sapphire Flutterer is used as the common name for Rhyothemis triangularis in my book on Singapore (Tang Hun Bun/Wang Luan Ken/Matti Hämäläinen). There is a version 2 of THeischinger/Hawking now available; I don’t know what common name that edition uses. [I’ve now seen that iNaturalist refers to Rhothemis triangularis (Asian Sapphire Flutterer).] Common names, eh, who’d have ’em?
I’m going with iNaturalist and using Rhyothemis princeps (Zircon Flutterer). Another of the delightfully marked Rhyothemis genus, it is found in New Guinea as well as Australia. My examples are from FNQ 2022 and are all males. For some reason, all my examples of Rhyothemis braganza (Iridescent Flutterer) were female.