UK Species

An explanation is necessary for this list.

Britain’s Dragonflies (Smallshire and Swash) lists 47 so-called “breeding” species. However, that 47 includes Sympetrum flaveolum (Yellow-winged Darter), with which I take issue. There was a large influx of S. flaveolum in 1995/96 when successful breeding was recorded but any permanent colony subsequently disappeared. Sightings of vagrant individuals are occasionally reported but this does not, in my view, constitute a resident species. This publication, fine though it is, also numbers Anax ephippiger (Vagrant Emperor) as resident but says “breeding attempted”. Whilst individuals are recorded every year, “Vagrant” Emperor being a very appropriate name, I wouldn’t personally call it resident unless and until successful breeding is confirmed. I keep my fingers crossed.

Thus I have ended up with my UK list of 45 species.

Species which are linked to a species page, I have seen (though not necessarily in the UK). Unlinked entries, I am yet to see. As a result of a successful though weather-plagued trip to Scotland in 2017, I am now down to one species remaining to be seen.

Zygoptera (Damselflies)

Anisoptera (Dragonflies)

[1] – Limited to Scotland.

[2] – Limited to Ireland.

[3] – Perhaps not a breeding resident but has been recorded every year since 1998.

[4] – May or may not be resident but if not, it seems to re-colonize and breed every year (it can manage 2 generations a season).

[5] – Formerly in the Aeshna genus.

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