This is my transcription of European species taken from Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain and Europe (Dijkstra/Lewington). [This needs updating to accord with K-D v2.]
From that excellent, indispensable publication, I have omitted any species currently confined to north Africa, along with those deemed extinct in the region or those which are only very rare vagrants. Some originally African species have moved north and begun colonizing Europe, e.g. Trithemis annulata (Violet Dropwing/Violet-marked Darter), which is included and, if others do likewise, I will include those, too.
Entries which are linked to a species page, I have seen (though not necessarily in Europe – a couple of species are shared with SE Asia). Unlinked entries, I am yet to see or, rather, photograph. Tricky little devils, some of ’em. 😉
Zygoptera (Damselflies)
- Calopteryx haemorrhoidalis (Copper Demoiselle)
- Calopteryx splendens (Banded Demoiselle)
- Calopteryx virgo virgo (Beautiful Demoiselle)
- Calopteryx xanthostoma (Western Demoiselle/Yellow-tailed Demoiselle)
- Chalcolestes parvidens (Eastern Willow Spreadwing)
- Chalcolestes viridis (Western Willow Spreadwing/Willow Emerald Damselfly)
- Epallage fatime (Odalisque)
- Lestes barbarus (Migrant Spreadwing/Southern Emerald Damselfly)
- Lestes dryas (Robust Spreadwing/Scarce Emerald Damselfly)
- Lestes macrostigma (Dark Spreadwing)
- Lestes sponsa (Common Spreadwing/Emerald Damselfly)
- Lestes virens (Small Spreadwing/Small Emerald Damselfly)
- Sympecma fusca (Common Winter Damselfly)
- Sympecma paedisca (Siberian Winter Damsel)
- Ischnura elegans (Common Bluetail/Blue-tailed Damselfly)
- Ischnura genei (Island Bluetail)
- Ischnura graellsii (Iberian Bluetail)
- Ischnura intermedia (Persian Bluetail)
- Ischnura pumilio (Scarce Blue-tailed Damselfly)
- Enallagma cyathigerum (Common Bluet/Common Blue Damselfly)
- Coenagrion armatum (Dark Bluet/Norfolk Damselfly)
- Coenagrion mercuriale (Mercury Bluet/Southern Damselfly)
- Coenagrion caerulescens (Mediterranean Bluet)
- Coenagrion hastulatum (Spearhead Bluet/Northern Damselfly)
- Coenagrion hylas (Siberian Bluet)
- Coenagrion intermedium (Cretan Bluet)
- Coenagrion johanssoni (Arctic Bluet)
- Coenagrion lunulatum (Crescent Bluet/Irish Damselfly)
- Coenagrion ornatum (Ornate Bluet)
- Coenagrion puella (Azure Bluet/Azure Damselfly)
- Coenagrion pulchellum (Variable Bluet/Variable Damselfly)
- Coenagrion scitulum (Dainty Bluet/Dainty Damselfly)
- Coenagrion syriacum (Syrian Bluet)
- Erythromma lindenii (Blue-eye/Goblet-marked Damselfly)
- Erythromma najas (Large Redeye/Red-eyed Damselfly)
- Erythromma viridulum (Small Redeye/Small Red-eyed Damselfly)
- Pyrrhosoma elisabethae (Greek Red Damselfly)
- Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Large Red Damselfly)
- Ceriagrion georgifreyi (Turkish Red Damselfly)
- Ceriagrion tenellum (Small Red Damselfly)
- Nehalennia speciosa (Sedgling/Pygmy Damselfly)
- Platycnemis acutipennis (Orange Featherleg/Orange White-legged Damselfly)
- Platycnemis dealbata (Ivory Featherleg)
- Platycnemis kervillei (Powdered Featherleg)
- Platycnemis latipes (White Featherleg)
- Platycnemis pennipes (Blue Featherleg/White-legged Damselfly)
Anisoptera (Dragonflies)
- Aeshna affinis (Blue-eyed Hawker/Southernn Migrant Hawker)
- Aeshna caerulea (Azure Hawker)
- Aeshna crenata (Siberian Hawker)
- Aeshna cyanea (Blue Hawker/Southern Hawker)
- Aeshna grandis (Brown Hawker)
- Isoaeschna isoceles (Green-eyed Hawker/Norfolk Hawker) [4]
- Aeshna juncea (Moorland Hawker/Common Hawker)
- Aeshna mixta (Migrant Hawker)
- Aeshna serrata (Baltic Hawker)
- Aeshna subarctica (Bog Hawker/Subarctic Hawker)
- Aeshna viridis (Green Hawker)
- Anax ephippiger (Vagrant Emperor)
- Anax immaculifrons (Magnificent Emperor)
- Anax imperator (Blue Emperor/Emperor Dragonfly)
- Anax parthenope (Lesser Emperor)
- Brachytron pratense (Hairy Hawker/Hairy Dragonfly)
- Boyeria cretensis (Cretan Spectre)
- Boyeria irene (Western Spectre/Dusk Hawker)
- Caliaeschna microstigma (Eastern Spectre)
- Gomphus davidi (Levant Clubtail)
- Stylurus flavipes (River Clubtail) [2]
- Gomphus graslinii (Pronged Clubtail)
- Gomphus pulchellus (Western Clubtail)
- Gomphus schneiderii (Turkish Clubtail)
- Gomphus simillimus (Yellow Clubtail)
- Stylurus ubadschii (Syrian Clubtail) [2]
- Gomphus vulgatissimus (Common Clubtail/Club-tailed Dragonfly)
- Ophiogomphus cecilia (Green Snaketail/Green Clubtail)
- Onychogomphus assimilis (Dark Pincertail)
- Onychogomphus cazuma (Cazuma Pincertail) [1]
- Onychogomphus costae (Faded Pincertail)
- Onychogomphus flexuosus (Waved Pincertail)
- Onychogomphus forcipatus forcipatus (Small Pincertail/Green-eyed Hooktail)
- Onychogomphus lefebvrii (Pale Pincertail)
- Onychogomphus macarodon (Levant Pincertail)
- Onychogomphus uncatus (Large Pincertail/Blue-eyed Hooktail)
- Paragomphus genei (Green Hooktail)
- Paragomphus lineatus (Lined Hooktail)
- Lindenia tetraphylla (Bladetail)
- Thecagaster bidentata (Sombre Goldenring) [3]
- Cordulegaster boltonii boltonii (Common Goldenring/Golden-ringed Dragonfly)
- Thecagaster helladica (Greek Goldenring) [3]
- Cordulegaster heros (Balkan Goldenring)
- Thecagaster insignis (Blue-eyed Goldenring) [3]
- Cordulegaster picta (Turkish Goldenring)
- Cordulegaster trinacriae (Italian Goldenring)
- Cordulia aenea (Downy Emerald)
- Somatochlora alpestris (Alpine Emerald)
- Somatochlora arctica (Northern Emerald)
- Somatochlora borisi (Bulgarian Emerald)
- Somatochlora flavomaculata (Yellow-spotted Emerald)
- Somatochlora metallica (Brilliant Emerald)
- Somatochlora meridionalis (Balkan Emerald)
- Somatochlora sahlbergi (Treeline Emerald)
- Epitheca bimaculata (Eurasian Baskettail/Two-spotted Dragonfly)
- Oxygastra curtisii (Orange-spotted Emerald)
- Macromia splendens (Splendid Cruiser)
- Libellula depressa (Broad-bodied Chaser)
- Libellula fulva (Scarce Chaser)
- Libellula pontica (Red Chaser)
- Libellula quadrimaculata (Four-spotted Chaser)
- Orthetrum albistylum (Black-tailed Skimmer)
- Orthetrum brunneum (Southern Skimmer)
- Orthetrum cancellatum (Black-tailed Skimmer)
- Orthetrum chrysostigma (Epaulet Skimmer)
- Orthetrum coerulescens (Keeled Skimmer)
- Orthetrum nitidinerve (Yellow-veined Skimmer)
- Orthetrum sabina (Slender Skimmer)
- Orthetrum taeniolatum (Small Skimmer)
- Orthetrum trinacria (Long Skimmer)
- Leucorrhinia albifrons (Dark Whiteface/Eastern White-faced Darter)
- Leucorrhinia caudalis (Lilypad Whiteface/Dainty White-faced Darter)
- Leucorrhinia dubia (Small Whiteface/White-faced Darter)
- Leucorrhinia pectoralis (Yellow-spotted Whiteface/Large White-faced Darter)
- Leucorrhinia rubicunda (Ruby Whiteface)
- Sympetrum danae (Black Darter)
- Sympetrum depressiusculum (Spotted Darter/Marshland Darter)
- Sympetrum flaveolum (Yellow-winged Darter)
- Sympetrum fonscolombii (Red-veined Darter)
- Sympetrum haritonovi (Dwarf Darter)
- Sympetrum meridionale (Southern Darter)
- Sympetrum pedemontanum (Banded Darter)
- Sympetrum sanguineum (Ruddy Darter)
- Sympetrum sinaiticum (Desert Darter)
- Sympetrum striolatum (Common Darter)
- Sympetrum (striolatum) nigrifemur (Island Darter)
- Sympetrum (striolatum) nigrescens (Highland Darter)
- Sympetrum vulgatum (Vagrant Darter/Moustached Darter)
- Sympetrum vulgatum decolatum (Plain Darter)
- Crocothemis erythraea (Broad Scarlet/Scarlet Darter)
- Crocothemis servilia (Oriental Darter)
- Trithemis annulata (Violet Dropwing/Violet-marked Darter)
- Trithemis arteriosa (Red-veined Dropwing)
- Trithemis festiva (Indigo Dropwing)
- Trithemis kirbyi (Orange-winged Dropwing)
- Brachythemis fuscopalliata (Dark-winged Groundling)
- Brachythemis impartita (Northern Banded Groundling)
- Diplacodes lefebvrii (Black Percher)
- Selysiothemis nigra (Black Pennant)
- Zygonyx torridus (Ringed Cascader)
[1] – Newly described in 2020.
[2] – Formerly in the Gomphus genus.
[3] – Formerly in the Cordulegaster genus.
[4] – Formerly in the Aeshna genus.
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